Greek Mythology »Titans and Titanides

In Greek mythology, they were a race of powerful gods who ruled during the legendary Golden Age (initial stage of the ages of man in which he lived in an ideal state or utopia, when humanity was pure and immortal). The titans were twelve according to Hesiod; although Apollodorus adds a thirteenth: Dione, split from the titanide Tea. The twelve titans of the first generation were led by the youngest, Cronos, who overthrew his father Uranus at the urging of his mother, Gaea. The Titans preceded the twelve Olympian gods, who, guided by Zeus, ended up overthrowing them in the Titanomachy (‘war of the titans’). Most of them were then imprisoned in Tartarus, the deepest region of the underworld.

Cronos: Last son of the twelve titans. Cronos was the only one who responded to his mother's call, when Gaia, to end her own slavery, decided to rebel against Uranus. Cronos rebelled against his father, beheaded him, excluded him from power and seized his succession. From that moment the race of the Titans is installed in the government of the world. Cronos, with his sister Rhéa, will have six children: three girls (Hestia, Demeter, Héra) and three boys (Hadès, Poseidon and Zeus). But Cronos, for fear of being dethroned by one of his children, ate all of them from the moment of birth. Except for Zeus who escaped and who later dethroned him forcing him to vomit his children.

Ocean: The greatest of the Titans, Oceans, should not be confused with Pontos, the god Sea. Ocean represents, beyond the sea, the wide flow, what the ancient Greeks imagined as "the deep eddies".

Iapetus: According to Homer's Iliad, Iapetus was precipitated into Tartarus at the time of the Titans' war against Zeus.

Hyperion: "the one above, the one who looks from above." Joined with his sister Tea, he will have three children from her: Hélios (the Sun), Séléné (the Moon) and Eôs (the Aurora). This Titan is often mistaken for the sun.

Rea: "the one with the beautiful hair." After castration of his father Uranos, he joins his brother Cronos. Both will rule the world.

Themis: She is sometimes confused with her mother, Gaïa, since like her, she is a nurturing and prophetic divinity. Goddess of justice and who embodies the law, was the second wife of Zeus. From this marriage three Hours were born: Eunomia (Discipline), Diké (Justice) and Eirene (Peace); and the three Moiras: Clotho, Lachesis and Átropos.

Mnémosine: She is the goddess of Memory and was long considered the only one who controls the development of time. Zeus's wife shared his bed nine consecutive nights and thus begat the nine muses.

Phoebe: "the one with the golden crown." Wife of his brother Ceo. She gave him two girls: Asteria and Leto. On earth she was given the names Diana or Delia, in heaven she was called Luna or Phoebe. They called her Luna because she was represented with a crescent on her forehead

Tethys: The oldest of the Titans joins his brother Oceans. She will put in the world the three thousand rivers and the three thousand nymphs of the waters (Oceánides). From her grandson Atlas, Thetis will conceive the nymph Calypso, personification of the deep sea.

