
希臘羅馬神話 希臘神話是屬於古希臘文化的一系列神話和傳說,涉及其神靈和英雄,世界的性質,其自身邪教和儀式實踐的起源和含義。現代研究人員轉向研究神話,以期揭示古希臘的宗教,政治制度和文明,並更好地理解神話本身的本質。希臘神話明確地出現在大量故事中,而隱含地出現在形象藝術中,例如彩繪陶器和奉獻品。希臘神話試圖解釋世界的起源,並詳細描述各種神靈,英雄和其他神話生物的生活和冒險。 這些故事最初是在口頭詩歌傳統中傳播的,儘管今天神話主要是從希臘文學中得知的。神話還保存在荷馬讚美詩,特洛伊木馬史詩的片段,抒情詩和公元前5世紀劇作家的作品中。考古發現是希臘神話中重要細節的重要來源,在許多物品的裝飾中,神靈和英雄都是突出的特徵。希臘神話對西方文明的文化,藝術和文學產生了廣泛的影響,並且仍然是西方文化遺產和語言的一部分。 當我們談論希臘神話時,我們指的是屬於古代希臘(約公元前1200年至前146年)的一系列故事,神話和傳說,被認為是西方文明的文化發源地。 它被收集在歷史上各種尚存的文本中,在其中我們意識到古希臘人是如何解釋世界,如何實踐其宗教並代表其文化的,以及雕塑,插圖,陶瓷和其他形式的藝術品到同樣的想像 構成希臘神話的故事最初本質上是口頭的,因為在許多情況下它們早於寫作的發明。這些故事被吟遊詩人或aedas敘述,後來以書面形式體現或版本化。 來源: https://concepto.de/mitologia-griega/#ixzz6lWd2l183 https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitolog%C3%ADa_griega
URANUS Uranus is one of the ancient gods in Greek mythology. He ruled the universe and his name refers to the deity of the sky and the sky specifically, which the Greeks described as a bronze dome dotted with stars. Uranus is one of the first-born gods, where they came from is not very clear. Either from nowhere or from some of the origins attributed to it, this information is a bit vague. Some accounts indicate that Uranus, for example, is the birth-genetic son of Gaia, of whom he was also the husband. Gaia is the goddess who personifies the earth and fertility. In some stories, Gaia, who is the mother of all living things, conceived him without a father. In others, the father of Uranus is Aether or Chaos. It is also told in the stories of Higino that he is the son of Hemera and Ether, brother of Talasa, the goddess of the sea and also of Gea or Gaia. But in early mythological history, many claim that the information is scant and confusing. After Uranus, the personification of heaven,...
TITAN GEA In Greek mythology, Gaea or Gaia, the primordial earth or mother goddess was one of the deities that ruled the universe before the Titans existed. In the creation myth, chaos was above all. He was made of the Void, of the Mass and of the Darkness in confusion; and then the earth in the form of Gaea came into existence. After appearing from the cais, Gaia gave birth to Ponto (the sea), Uranus (the sky) and the Ourea (the mountains). She had these children without the need for male intervention of any kind. This is the mother earth from which all the natural divinities of the planet are born, it was born before Eros (love) and after Chaos. Gaea begat Uranus alone, then joined with him and gave birth to the Titans Ceo, Crio, Hyperion, Iapetus, Ocean and Cronos, the titanides were also born: Aunt, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Thetis, then the Cyclopes and finally the hecatonchires. Uranus was ashamed of her children and forced them to live in the depths of their mother, so...
Greek Mythology »Titans and Titanides In Greek mythology, they were a race of powerful gods who ruled during the legendary Golden Age (initial stage of the ages of man in which he lived in an ideal state or utopia, when humanity was pure and immortal). The titans were twelve according to Hesiod; although Apollodorus adds a thirteenth: Dione, split from the titanide Tea. The twelve titans of the first generation were led by the youngest, Cronos, who overthrew his father Uranus at the urging of his mother, Gaea. The Titans preceded the twelve Olympian gods, who, guided by Zeus, ended up overthrowing them in the Titanomachy (‘war of the titans’). Most of them were then imprisoned in Tartarus, the deepest region of the underworld. Cronos: Last son of the twelve titans. Cronos was the only one who responded to his mother's call, when Gaia, to end her own slavery, decided to rebel against Uranus. Cronos rebelled against his father, beheaded him, excluded him from power and seized his suc...
Greco-Roman myths Greek mythology is the set of myths and legends belonging to the culture of Ancient Greece, dealing with its gods and heroes, the nature of the world, the origins and the meaning of its own cults and ritual practices. Modern researchers turn to and study myths in an attempt to shed light on ancient Greece's religious and political institutions and civilization, as well as to better understand the nature of myth-making itself. Greek mythology appears explicitly in an extensive collection of stories and implicitly in figurative arts such as painted pottery and votive offerings. Greek myths attempt to explain the origins of the world and detail the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, heroes, and other mythological creatures. These stories were originally spread in an oral poetic tradition, although today the myths are known mainly from Greek literature. Myths were also preserved in Homeric hymns, in fragments of epic poetry from the Trojan cycle, in lyric...
URANO  Urano es uno de los antiguos dioses en la mitología griega. Él gobernó el universo y su nombre se refiere a la deidad del cielo y al cielo concretamente, que los griegos describían como una cúpula de bronce salpicada de estrellas. Urano es uno de los dioses primogénitos, de dónde vinieron, no está muy claro. Ya sea de la nada o de algunos de los orígenes que se le atribuyen, esta información es un poco vaga. Algunos relatos indican que Urano, por ejemplo, es hijo parto-genético de Gaia, de quien también fue el esposo. Gaia es la diosa que personifica a la tierra y a la fertilidad. En algunas historias, Gaia, que es la madre de todos los seres vivos, lo concibió sin padre. En otros, el padre de Urano es Aether o Chaos. También se cuenta en las historias de Higino que es hijo de Hemera y Éter, hermano de Talasa, la diosa del mar y también de Gea o Gaia. Pero en la historia mitológica temprana, muchos aseguran que la información es poca y confusa. Luego de que Urano, la personi...


TITAN GEA En la mitología griega, Gaea o Gaia, la tierra primordial o diosa madre era una de las deidades que gobernaban el universo antes de que existieran los Titanes. En el mito de la creación, el caos estaba por encima de todo. Él fue hecho del Vacío, de la Misa y de las Tinieblas en confusión; y entonces la tierra en la forma de Gaea entró en existencia. Después de aparecer del cais, Gaia dio a luz a Ponto (el mar), Urano (el cielo) y a los Ourea (las montañas). Tuvo estos hijos sin necesidad de intervención masculina de ningún tipo. Esta es la madre tierra de donde nacen todas divinidades naturales del planeta, nació antes del Eros (el amor) y después del Caos. Gea engendró sola a Urano, luego se unió con el y dio a luz a los Titanes Ceo, Crío, Hiperión, Jápeto, Océano y Cronos, también nacieron las titánides: Tía, Rea, Temis, Mnemósine, Febe y Tetis, luego los cíclopes y por último los hecatónquiros. Urano se avergonzaba de sus hijos y los obligaba a vivir en las profundidades d...